A network error occurred while sending your login request. Please try again. If this condition persists, contact your network service provider. Print

  • 65

You may receive the following error message when attempting to access webmail:

A network error occurred while sending your login request. Please try again. If this condition persists, contact your network service provider.

This is happening because our servers are configured to only allow SSL encrypted traffic to cPanel, WHM and Webmail. You are likely accessing webmail via a non-SSL link, usually http://webmail.yourdomain.tld (replacing yourdomain.tld with your domain name).

In order to correct this problem and login to webmail you will need to use a different link. Please instead access webmail via http://yourdomain.tld/webmail (replacing yourdomain.tld with your domain name) which will then redirect you to the servers hostname with SSL enabled.

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