
Do you run PHP with safe mode enabled? No, we do not. Do you support Ioncube? Yes, we have compiled our servers with Ioncube support prebuilt, so no configuration on your part... Do you support both PHP4 and PHP5? We provide many different versions of PHP to our end users. If the version currently installed on... Do you support cURL? Yes, we support cURL on all of our shared servers. The cURL binary can be found at: /usr/bin/curl Do you support the MySQLi PHP extension? The MySQLi PHP extension is installed and enabled on all of our shared and semi-dedicated servers. Do you support/allow ffmpeg or ffmpeg-php? The short answer is "no", not on our shared hosting plans. ffmpeg can be very resource heavy on... How do I change the configuration of PHP on the server? Important: The PHP configuration can only be modified when you have set your own local version of... How do I change which PHP version my account uses? To change the version of PHP that your account (and subsequently your sites) use, please perform... I am receiving "Deprecated" PHP warnings/notices on my website If you are seeing "Deprecated" notices on your website then this usually means that you are... Is mod_rewrite available on your servers? mod_rewrite is installed and enabled by default on all of our servers. What host or server address do I use for MySQL? When using scripts stored on our servers, please use "localhost" (without quotations) as the... What is the path to PHP? The path to PHP on all shared servers is: /usr/bin/php When using PHP's mail() function, why is the "From" address wrong? By default, PHP will send e-mail from the account you are running the script from. Usually this... Why do I get a PHP open_basedir restriction error message? This error generally occurs when you are using temporary site links whilst waiting for DNS...
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